Alma mater! Mayor Caluag checks Brigada Eskwela in San Fernando City public school

Mayor Vilma Balle-Caluag of San Fernando City, Pampanga visited San Fernando Elementary School (SFES) during the second day of Brigada Eskwela.

Joining Caluag in SFES, her alma mater, on Tuesday, July 23, were City Councilor Dr. Ayzel Mari-Grace Macalino and SFES Principal Marilen Calma.

The mayor is expected to visit other schools in the city this week.

The week-long Brigada Eskwela kicked off Monday, July 22.

The Department of Education conducts the activity every year in preparation for the opening of classes in public schools. For this school year, classes will start on July 29.

The post Alma mater! Mayor Caluag checks Brigada Eskwela in San Fernando City public school first appeared on Politiko Central Luzon.